Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Complementary Therapeutic Nursing Interventions Coursework

Correlative Therapeutic Nursing Interventions - Coursework Example The paper tells that the proof introduced in the examination report underpins the end that bookkeeping of Medical Administering Errors (MAEs) should be mysterious notwithstanding being without unhelpful outcomes. Both the checked on writing and the outcomes featured that MAEs are an issue in numerous emergency clinics. The aftereffects of the examination affirmed the presence of the issue as 66.9 percent of the nursing experts who participated in the investigation revealed encountering Medical Administering Errors (Lin and Ma, 2009). The examination was performed out of the need to improve the nature of wellbeing that had been on the decrease in Taiwan due to MAEs. Considering this, the aftereffects of this investigation demonstrated that 87.7 percent of medical caretakers were happy to report MAEs. Consequently, the genuine issue was not underreporting of MAEs yet the multifaceted nature that accompany detailing MAEs, for example, negative outcomes and absence of namelessness. Other proof introduced in the exploration bolster the end that negative outcomes advance underreporting of MAEs. For example, the aftereffects of the examination indicated that the chances of enthusiasm to report Medical Administering Errors improved 2.66 occasions in secretly run rest homes (p = 0.032,confidence stretch = 1.09-6.49), and 3.28 in noble cause emergency clinics (p = 0.00, certainty span = 1.73 to 6.21) as differentiated to network emergency clinics. The clarification of this perception is that secretly run and altruistic clinics envelop progressively adaptable just as open authoritative situations than network medical clinics. ... Other proof introduced in the exploration bolster the end that negative outcomes advance underreporting of MAEs. For example, the consequences of the investigation indicated that the chances of energy to report Medical Administering Errors improved 2.66 occasions in secretly run rest homes (p = 0.032,confidence span = 1.09-6.49), and 3.28 in noble cause emergency clinics (p = 0.00, certainty stretch = 1.73 to 6.21) as differentiated to network clinics (Lin and Ma, 2009). The clarification of this perception is that secretly run and altruistic emergency clinics include increasingly adaptable just as open hierarchical conditions than network medical clinics. Consequently, medical caretakers working in these clinics will in general report MAEs more. Another clarification could be that network clinics may maybe make nursing experts extremely discerning of emergency clinic focuses toward quality improvement. Accordingly, attendants may once in a while have decided not to represent clinica l regulating mistakes occasions, to avoid being liable for a disappointment to achieve the objective. Moral Issues that may have emerged while directing the examination One of the moral issues that could have emerged in this investigation is agree to participate in the examination. In longitudinal investigations, educated assent must be acquired at a few phases of the exploration. On account of Lin and Ma (2009), moral assent was just required before filling the surveys. This kind of assent is known as beginning assent. Contingent upon the moral issues engaged with an investigation other educated assent, for example, proceeding with assent, agree to discover respondent if there should arise an occurrence of a subsequent report, assent for unexpected examination and exercises and assent for progress among others. Another moral issue that could have emerged

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Financial System of Bangladesh

Diagram of Financial arrangement of Bangladesh The money related arrangement of Bangladesh is involved three wide divided divisions: 1. Formal Sector, 2. Semi-Formal Sector, 3. Casual Sector. The segments have been ordered as per their level of guideline. The proper area incorporates every single managed organization like Banks, Non-Bank Financial Institutions (FIs), Insurance Companies, Capital Market Intermediaries like Brokerage Houses, Merchant Banks and so on ; Micro Finance Institutions (MFIs).The semi formal division incorporates those establishments which are directed in any case however don't fall under the locale of Central Bank, Insurance Authority, Securities and Exchange Commission or some other sanctioned money related controller. This area is chiefly spoken to by Specialized Financial Institutions like House Building Finance Corporation (HBFC), Palli Karma Sahayak Foundation (PKSF), Samabay Bank, Grameen Bank and so forth , Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs and disc rete government programs. About budgetary MarketThe money related market in Bangladesh is basically of following sorts: 1. Currency Market: The essential currency advertise is contained banks, FIs and essential vendors as mediators and investment funds and loaning instruments, treasury charges as instruments. There are at present 15 essential sellers (12 banks and 3 FIs) in Bangladesh. The main dynamic optional market is for the time being call currency showcase which is taken an interest by the booked banks and FIs. The currency advertise in Bangladesh is managed by Bangladesh Bank (BB), the Central Bank of Bangladesh. . Capital market: The essential section of capital market is worked through private and open contribution of value and security instruments. The optional section of capital market is regulated by two (02) stock trades Dhaka Stock Exchange and Chittagong Stock Exchange. The instruments in these trades are value protections (shares), debentures, corporate securities an d treasury securities. The capital market in Bangladesh is represented by Securities and Commission (SEC). 3.Foreign Exchange Market: Towards progression of outside trade exchanges, various measures were embraced since 1990s. Bangladeshi cash, the taka, was pronounced convertible on current record exchanges (as on 24 March 1994), as far as Article VIII of IMF Article of Agreement (1994). As Taka isn't convertible in capital record, inhabitant possessed capital isn't openly transferable abroad. Repatriation of benefits or disinvestment continues on non-inhabitant FDI and portfolio speculation inflows are allowed freely.Direct ventures of non-occupants in the modern division and portfolio ventures of non-inhabitants through stock trades are repatriable abroad, as additionally are capital gains and benefits/profits consequently. Venture abroad of inhabitant possessed capital is liable to earlier Bangladesh Bank endorsement, which is permitted just sparingly. Bangladesh embraced Floatin g Exchange Rate system since 31 May 2003. Under the system, BB doesn't meddle in the assurance of swapping scale, however works the money related strategy judiciously for limiting extraordinary swings in conversion standard to stay away from unfriendly repercussion on the household economy.The swapping scale is being resolved in the market based on advertise request and gracefully powers of the particular monetary forms. In the forex showcase banks are allowed to purchase and deal remote money in the spot and furthermore in the forward business sectors. In any case, to keep away from any surprising instability in the conversion scale, Bangladesh Bank, the controller of remote trade advertise stays cautious over the advancements in the outside trade showcase and intercedes by purchasing and selling outside monetary forms at whatever point it considers important to keep up security in the remote trade market.Regulators of the Financial System Central Bank Bangladesh Bank goes about as the Central Bank of Bangladesh which was set up on December 16, 1972 through the sanctioning of Bangladesh Bank Order 1972-President’s Order No. 127 of 1972 (Amended in 2003). The general administration and bearing of the issues and business of BB have been endowed to a 9 individuals' Board of Directors which is going by the Governor who is the Chief Executive Officer of this organization also. BB has 40 divisions and 9 branch offices.In Strategic Plan (2010-2014), the vision of BB has been expressed as, â€Å"To grow constantly as a forward looking national keep money with capable and submitted experts of high moral gauges, directing fiscal administration and budgetary segment oversight to keep up value steadiness and monetary framework heartiness, supporting quick wide based comprehensive financial development, business age and destitution destruction in Bangladesh†. The fundamental elements of BB are (Section 7A of BB Order, 1972) †1. to plan and execute finan cial strategy; 2. o figure and execute mediation strategies in the outside trade showcase; 3. to offer guidance to the Government on the collaboration of financial strategy with monetary and conversion scale arrangement, on the effect of different approach quantifies on the economy and to propose authoritative estimates it thinks about important or proper to accomplish its targets and play out its capacities; 4. to hold and deal with the authority outside stores of Bangladesh; 5. to advance, manage and guarantee a safe and proficient installment framework, including the issue of monetary orders; 6. o control and oversee banking organizations and money related foundations. Center Policies of Central Bank Monetary arrangement The primary goals of money related approach of Bangladesh Bank are: †¢Price strength both inner and outer †¢Sustainable development and advancement †¢High business †¢Economic and productive utilization of assets †¢Stability of budgetary a nd installment framework Bangladesh Bank pronounces the financial strategy by giving Monetary Policy Statement (MPS) twice (January and July) in a year.The apparatuses and instruments for usage of fiscal arrangement in Bangladesh are Bank Rate, Open Market Operations (OMO), Repurchase understandings (Repo) and Reverse Repo, Statutory Reserve Requirements (SLR and CRR). Save Management Strategy Bangladesh Bank keeps up the outside trade save of the nation in various monetary standards to limit the hazard rising up out of across the board change in swapping scale of significant monetary standards and exceptionally sporadic development in loan fees in the worldwide cash market.BB has built up Nostro account courses of action with various Central Banks. Assets aggregated in these records are put resources into Treasury bills, repos and other government papers in the individual monetary standards. It additionally makes interest as transient stores with various high appraised and presumed business banks and acquisition of high evaluated sovereign/supranational/corporate securities. A different branch of BB plays out the operational capacities in regards to speculation which is guided by venture strategy set by the BB's Investment Committee headed by a Deputy Governor.The hidden standard of the venture arrangement is to guarantee the ideal rate of profitability with least market hazard. Loan fee Policy Under the Financial part change program, an adaptable intrigue strategy was defined. As indicated by that, banks are allowed to charge/fix their store (Bank/Financial Institutes) and Lending (Bank/Financial Institutes) rates other than Export Credit. At present, aside from Pre-shipment send out credit and agrarian loaning, there is no financing cost top on loaning for banks.Yet, banks can separate loan cost up to 3% considering similar hazard components required among borrowers in same loaning class. With dynamic deregulation of financing costs, banks have been educate d to declare the mid-rate regarding the breaking point (assuming any) for various parts and the banks may change premium 1. 5% pretty much than the declared mid-rate based on the relative credit hazard. Banks transfer their store and loaning financing cost in their individual site. Capital Adequacy for Banks and FIsWith a view to reinforcing the capital base of banks and FIs, Basel-II Accord has been presented in both of these segments. For banks, full usage of Basel-II was begun in January 01, 2010 (Guidelines on Risk Based Capital Adequacy for banks). Presently, planned banks in Bangladesh are required to look after Tk. 4 billion or 10% of Total Risk Weighted Assets as capital, whichever is higher. For FIs, full usage of Basel-II has been begun in January 01, 2012 (Prudential Guidelines on Capital Adequacy and Market Discipline (CAMD) for Financial Institutions).Now, FIs in Bangladesh are required to look after Tk. 1 billion or 10% of Total Risk Weighted Assets as capital, whichev er is higher. Store Insurance The store protection plot (DIS) was presented in Bangladesh in August 1984 to go about as a wellbeing net for the contributors. All the booked banks Bangladesh are the individual from this plan Bank Deposit Insurance Act 2000. The reason for DIS is to assist with expanding market discipline, decrease moral peril in the monetary area and give wellbeing nets at the base expense to people in general in case of bank failure.A Deposit Insurance Trust Fund (DITF) has additionally been made for giving restricted security (not surpassing Taka 0. 01 million) to a little contributor if there should arise an occurrence of ending up of any bank. The Board of Directors of BB is the Trustee Board for the DITF. BB has received an arrangement of hazard based store protection premium rates material for every booked bank compelling from January †June 2007. As per new guidance with respect to premium rates, issue banks are required to pay 0. 09 percent and private ba nks other than the difficult banks and state claimed business banks are required to pay 0. 7 percent where the percent inclusion of the stores is taka one hundred thousand for every investor for every bank. With this end in see, BB has just exhorted the banks for carrying DIS into the notification of people in general through presentation

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Classes Junior Spring Edition

Classes Junior Spring Edition It is another fascinating semester here at the Institute, and I would like to share it with you. Id also like to connect my experience to MIT academics in general. In the descriptions of 6.00 and 17.803, I talk about MIT problem sets. The 17.803 section also discusses why MIT right now is the best place to study social science. 24.03 and 24.191 illustrate how classes can be directly applicable to important current issues. WGS.151 and WGS.229 show that MITs Womens and Gender Studies courses can be about rigorous clinical research, unlike anything you’d imagine WGS to be. General summary: I am taking 6 classes for a total of 69 units of credit (courses are usually 12 units, but the poli sci lab is 15, and 24.191 is 6). Note that 6 = Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 17 = Political Science, 24 = Philosophy and Linguistics, and WGS = Womens and Gender Studies (but the latter will also be counted towards my Political Science and Philosophy majors). 6.00 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER SCIENCE AND PROGRAMMING Topics: 6.00 is known as an introduction to Python, but the professors are adamant about not making that the purpose of the course. 6.00 teaches you to think like a computer scientist. Here is a sampling of topics from first quarter to demonstrate what that entails: data structures, iteration and recursion as computational metaphors, abstraction of procedures and data types, organizing and modularizing systems using object classes and methods, different classes and complexity of algorithms, searching and sorting. Class Info: 6.00 is huge. It fills the largest lecture hall on campus, 26-100, with a capacity of 566. But it isn’t even the largest Course 6 class: some fill 26-100 and have to be live-streamed in additional rooms! Also, some of you may be familiar with this class by a different number. 6.00 is the sum of 6.0001 (Introduction to Computer Science Programming in Python, first quarter of 6.00) and 6.0002 (Introduction to Computational Thinking and Data Science, second quarter). Workload: 6.00 requires a lot of effort. In general, problem sets take me 8+ hours, with a max  of ~20. The lengths of psets demonstrate the Lecture-Pset Divergence phenomenon, which is common at MIT: 6.00 lectures introduce basic concepts (e.g. what a function looks like”) and the psets require the students to, say, program a whole game of Scrabble right after that. While I may complain about  the hours, I recognize that the problem sets contribute greatly to my learning. And, the most recent pset was about  space cowsâ€"how cool is that? Weve also had to program hangman and Scrabble. Making a working computer game on the 3rd week of class was quite empowering! 17.803 POLITICAL SCIENCE LABORATORY Class Info and Benefits: 17.803, a required class for Political Science majors, truly prepares you for future research. It is also a class best taken at MIT, as the Institute is on the forefront of quantitative social science research. Because of this, 17.803 not only teaches the classical Regression method, but also four others. This isn’t common, as the four methods have only become popular in the past ten years or so (the downside of new methods: much of the older social science research is now considered kind of wrong). Workload: 17.803 is a class about political science research design, statistics, and  R, the computer language of social scientists. It is not a humanities course, but rather a social science statistical lab. The past problems sets for the class have been about re-creating other political scientists’ work: justifying their assumptions, pointing out potential issues, and using their data to reconstruct figures and tables from the papers. I couldn’t think of a better way to practice the new material. And, at the end of the semester, we get to write our own research papers! I am currently working on mine, analyzing large data sets like the U.S. Census. Topics: 17.803 has made me appreciate my major (Political Science) even more by highlighting the complexities of causal inference (which are unfortunately ignored in media discussions of scientific studies). We have also read some fascinating papers, many by MIT political scientists, that answer questions like: Do UN interventions cause peace? (only post-civil-conflict interventions, more here) Does grassroots participation in corruption monitoring reduce corruption? (not really, as seen in Indonesia, more here) Do charter schools improve students’ test scores? (the Massachusetts urban charter school do, but the non-urban charter schools actually reduce achievement from the baseline, more here) Can foreign media reduce peoples support for totalitarian regimes? (for East German residents, West German TV actually increased support for the regime, more here) 24.03 GOOD FOOD: THE ETHICS AND POLITICS OF FOOD   Topics: Here’s a sampling of class topics from the syllabus: “In considering our food choices, we will discuss several specific moral issues: What sorts of moral obligations, if any, do we have toward non-human animals? How are our personal choices, e.g., about what to eat, related to global justice? What is the state’s responsibility to provide reliable information to consumers? Are we each individually morally required to take action to reduce global warming?” If these questions sound interesting, 24.03 is the class is for you! It will change how you approach ethical dilemmas. Bonus links to two of the earlier readings for the class: Famine, Affluence, and Morality by Peter Singer and Consider the Lobster by David Foster Wallace. Class Info and Workload: The lectures are wonderful, taught by my role model Professor Sally Haslanger (in fact, I took the class because she was teaching it). The discussions are also great. The readings are in philosophy, but mostly political philosophy, so the class doesn’t get too abstract and is directly applicable to real life. Also, the readings are neither difficult nor partcularly time consumingâ€"24.03 is an introductory Philosophy course. Fair warning: the essays are great for practicing making philosophical arguments, but they do get abstract. Note to future freshmen: 24.03 is designated as communication intensive (CI-H), but is one of the larger CI-H classes, so, if you still need CI-H credit, you should definitely consider taking 24.03 in the spring. It doesnt fill up as fast as the smaller CI-H courses. 24.191 BEING, THINKING, DOING (OR NOT): ETHICS IN YOUR LIFE Class Info and (sort of) Workload: I call 24.191 the “dinner seminar.” As 6-unit elective graded on Pass/D/Fail, It doesn’t contribute much to my academic record. Still, I am taking it for the second time. The basic structure of 24.191 is: come to class every Tuesday evening, eat fancy dinner, and listen to a cool speaker. The only assignments are: go to three events and write 300-word reflections about them. The events could be anything from a lecture by Noam Chomsky to an arts exhibitionâ€"the class actually encourages you to have cultured fun (and proves that not every MIT class is a challenge)! Topics and Benefits: Why even take 24.191? Well, beyond the free food and the fun requirements, it provides an overview of essential current topics. We get  some pretty remarkable speakers every week, like: Sally Haslanger: Ethics Boot camp (as noted earlier, Sally is an amazing person and a prominent professor; despite this, she communicates with students on a first-name basis) Seth Mnookin: The Responsibility of the Media (Seth is the head of the Science Writing program at MIT, one of about 4 Science Writing programs in the country; he has published pieces in outlets like Wired, The New York Times, and The Washington Post, and won the American Medical Writers Association Award for Excellence in Medical Writing for this piece in The New Yorker, which is my favorite ever example of longform journalism) Chris Robichaud, Harvard Kennedy School: Post-Truth Politics (Chris had a popular MOOC about truth and bullshit, the latter of which he considers an appropriate and important scientific term; he is also first recipient of the Innovations in Teaching Award at the Harvard Kennedy School) Myisha Cherry, Harvard University Dept of Philosophy: Political Anger (Myisha is the creator of the UnMute Podcast about using philosophy to address real-world issues; she has written for The Huffington Post,, and; she is also a former music reviewer  and has appeared on BET). Juergen Scheffran,  Hamburg University, Germany: Military Research and Nuclear Disarmament (Professor Scheffran is the head of the Research Group on Climate Change and Security at the Cluster of Excellence CliSAP, Universität Hamburg) WGS.151 GENDER, HEALTH, AND SOCIETY WGS.151 is perfect for pre-med students interested in epidemiological research, or medical research in general. Although the first word in the course title is gender, the class is focused more on how to do epidemiological research overall, with gender as a theme. We read and discuss papers on topics like cardiovascular disease and hormone therapy, pregnancy and birth, gender identity and expression, and abortion. We then learn how to conduct similarly good epidemiological studies. The final project for the class is a proposal for your own  original study. Another awesome point about the class: the professor is also an instructor at Harvard Medical School and Boston Children’s Hospital. After all that, she comes to teach at MIT 7-10pm every Monday! After taking WGS.151, I highly recommend everyone to check out WGS courses, especially if you are pre-med. WGS.151 (and WGS.229, which is discussed next) have piqued my interest in the medical field, and I plan to explore it more through summer UROPs. MIT proves WGS classes do not have to be abstract and useless; they can be based on good quantitative research with important implications for, say, public healthâ€"this is a technical school, after all. WGS.229 RACE, CULTURE, AND GENDER IN THE US AND BEYOND: A PSYCHOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE The instructor for this class is amazing (as are all my instructors, really). She works at the VA (Veterans’ Administration) during the day and then travels 1+ hours to MIT for a 7-10pm class (half of my classes this semester are in the evening, which means that most people I schedule day meetings with probably think I’m a slacker). The class itself is amazing too. Like 24.03 and 24.191, it helps you rethink life. However, unlike the philosophy courses, it backs its life lessons with rigorous clinical research on human development and interactions. In WGS.229, you will learn how to communicate with anyone about complex topics like race, culture, gender, and politics in general. You will learn to interpret your own identity and development. And you will learn to understand people and organizations better. Bonus: you will also start your path towards becoming a psychologist or other healthcare professional. All of these are soft skills that, as research shows, are more likely to lead to promotion than technical skills. Thus, even if you aren’t passionate about issues of race and gender, or about the field of psychology, this class is worth taking in order to thrive in an increasingly multicultural workplace. I have been changed by WGS.229â€"not many classes can do that for a student! Another bonus: for our first WGS.229 essay, we had to take and analyze several Implicit Association Tests (IATs), which you can also take and read about  here.   BONUS Other bloggers have written about their classes this year as well! Check out the linked posts by Joonho K. 20 (on freshman spring), Anelise N. 19 (on costume design class), Fiona M. 20 (on glassblowing class), Erick P. 17 (42!), Anelise N. 19 (on studying Spanish in Madrid), Alexa J. 20 (on freshman IAP and spring), Ben O. 19 (on studying Chinese), Abby H. 20 (on studying history in Greece), Joonho K. 20 (on IAP), Allan K. 17 (on senior fall), Krystal L. 17 (also on senior fall), Joonho K. 20 (on freshman fall, yay PNR!), Phoebe C. 18 (on junior fall), and  Allan K. 17 (notes from senior fall). Links arranged chronologically. Post Tagged #6.00 #6.0001 #6.0002

Sunday, May 24, 2020

A Sociological Imagination Of An Environmental...

I started the day with the mentality of an environmental sociologist, that society and environment are interrelated (Bell, 2012, p. 2). Using my sociological imagination I was able to conceptualize my interaction with the environment on a local scale. I was able to see how I impacted the environment, even when I wasn t consuming or wasting, versus what would occur if I was wasting. I realized that I impact the environment in more ways than just purchasing and disposing of goods, and I truly saw this in the change of lifestyle for a day. I began this day knowing I would need a piece of motivation and sentiment. I put on a necklace that my mother got me last year. Every time I put on the necklace I know she is right next to me and that Hau, the spirit of goods, is linking us together. Hau places a sense of sentimental experience that is attached to this particular good (Bell, 2012, p. 53-54). Prior to taking this course I could never put a name to the feeling I got what I had my mother ’s necklace on, but a spirit of goods that links souls together is a perfect explanation. Our social relationship is very important to me as I typically wear this necklace for good luck. In terms of consumption, no being can exist without interacting with the environment. There is an ecological dialogue that is in constant motion between us as human beings and the environment. I have found that this change in lifestyle allowed me to understand other environmental threats in my community andShow MoreRelatedThe Importance of Demography to Development11868 Words   |  48 Pagesof the origin, development, organization, and functioning of human society; the science of the fundamental laws of social relationships, institutions, etc. It generally concerns itself with the social rules and processes that bind and separate people not only as individuals, but as members of associations, groups, and institutions, and includes the examination of the organization and development of human social life. The sociological field of interest ranges from the analysis of short contacts betweenRead MoreUGT in the 21st Century14999 Words   |  60 PagesMASS COMMUNICATION SOCIETY, 2000, 3(1), 3–37 Uses and Gratifications Theory in the 21st Century Thomas E. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Oedipus Rex - Bliss in Ignorance - 860 Words

One of the most memorable and meaningful Socratic quotes applies well when in context of Sophocles Theban Trilogy. The unexamined life is not worth living, proclaims Socrates. He could have meant many things by this statement, and in relation to the play, the meaning is found to be even more complex. Indeed, the situation of Oedipus, king of Thebes, the truth of this statement is in question. Would Oedipus have been better off if he was blind to the knowledge of his birthing and the fate which was foretold to someday befall him? Truly though, his life would have been a far better and easier path had he never known about his true origins. His life in Corinth would have been long and prosperous, and Thebes would have lived on under King†¦show more content†¦The question arises, what would life have been like, if Oedipus had not discovered his true origins? If he had stayed in Corinth, would this have ever happened? We find that indeed, we would have had no story, if not for t hat lone comment of a drunkard which sparked the fire of rebellion in the young prince Oedipus. He ventured out to Delphi, to pry knowledge of his background out of it, and to discover if this was indeed the truth, despite the fact that his adopted parents of Corinth had assured him of it falseness. Oedipus leaves Corinth, fulfilling the Socratic idea of the unexamined life. However, we must evaluate the eventual consequences of his actions and the implications which they possess. What becomes of his fateful journey out of Corinth leads to the downfall of an entire city and family line. If he had not murdered King Laius, the Sphinx would have never descended upon Thebes, he would have never fulfilled the prophecy, and all would have lived on in a relative peace and tranquillity. Once examining these aspects of the relationship between the quote and Oedipus Rex, we can come to a final examination of its implications. The question which was addressed, that of the value of the examined life, can be answered. Indeed, if Oedipus had not ventured beyond the protective walls of his adopted home, would anything such as what occurred in the play ever have transpired? If Oedipus had not pursued that answers to the mysteries thatShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Oedipus Rex Bliss 944 Words   |  4 PagesMr. Myles May 3, 2010 Oedipus Rex - Bliss in Ignorance One of the most memorable and meaningful Socratic quotes applies well when in context of Sophocles Theban Trilogy. The unexamined life is not worth living, proclaims Socrates. He could have meant many things by this statement, and in relation to the play, the meaning is found to be even more complex. Indeed, the situation of Oedipus, king of Thebes, the truth of this statement is in question. Would Oedipus have been better offRead MoreComparison Between Oedipus Rex and Street Car Named Desire1268 Words   |  6 Pages‘Oedipus Rex’ and ‘Streetcar’       | Similarities | Contrasts | Clever Points | Actions / Events | ï‚ ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Both ‘Oedipus Rex’ and ‘A Streetcar Named Desire’ have scenes where a character’s past is revealed, whether it is to other characters or to the audience (e.g. Oedipus’ parentage or Blanche’s past). This shows an underlying tone that they cannot fully escape their past, whether it is an eventual surfacing (in A Streetcar Named Desire) or an abrupt revelation (in Oedipus Rex). This is linkedRead MoreThe Stranger in Oedipus Essay1467 Words   |  6 Pagesnovels and literary works alike. Albert Camus’ The Stranger depicts a modern system of justice; however, Sophocles Oedipus Rex portrays a simplistic system of justice. Society implements these to prevent the downfall of the human race. 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Oedipus had many faults, but it was primarily the tragic flaw of hubris, arrogance from excessive pride, which doomed his existence, regardless of the character attributes that made him suchRead MoreFate And Free Will : Oedipus Rex1841 Words   |  8 PagesFate and free will have many meanings towards what they mean in Oedipus Rex it’s all based on fate and free will. When your whole life is planned out for you it’s usually fate something you can’t avoid or run away from. Fate is played out in Oedipus Rex although free will happens to be your choice of action which happens to be played out in the play. Oedipus pursed information to seek certain knowledge that he should ve just left alone about his identity. Fate is resp onsible for Oedipus’s incestRead MoreSelf-Discovery and the Pursuit of Truth in Sophocles Oedipus1138 Words   |  5 PagesTruth in Sophocles Oedipus It is said that the truth will set you free, but in the case of Sophocles’ Oedipus, the truth drives a man to imprison himself in a world of darkness by gouging out his eyes. As he scours the city for truth, Oedipus’ ruin is ironically mentioned and foreshadowed in the narrative. With these and other devices Sophocles illuminates the king’s tragic realization and creates a firm emotional bond with the audience. Oedipus’ quest is revealed

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Prom Nights from Hell Chapter Five Free Essays

I shudder. I can’t help it. Even though she’s not exactly my type, it’s not pleasant to think of Lila as some vampire’s midnight snack. We will write a custom essay sample on Prom Nights from Hell Chapter Five or any similar topic only for you Order Now â€Å"Aren’t you worried,† I ask, hoping to change the subject a little, â€Å"that Lila’s just going to tell Drake not to show up at the prom since we’ll be there waiting?† I say we and not you because there is no way I’m letting Mary go after this guy alone. Which I know Veronica would think is sexist, too. But Veronica’s never seen Mary smile. â€Å"Are you kidding me?† Mary asks. She doesn’t seem to notice the we. â€Å"I’m counting on her telling him. That way he’ll show up for sure.† I stare at her. â€Å"Why would he do that?† â€Å"Because killing the exterminator’s daughter will totally raise his crypt cred.† Now I’m blinking at her. â€Å"Crypt cred?† â€Å"You know,† she says, tossing her ponytail. â€Å"It’s like street cred. Only among the undead.† â€Å"Oh.† Strangely, this does make sense. As much as anything else I’ve heard this evening. â€Å"They call your dad the, um, ‘exterminator’?† I’m having a hard time picturing Mary’s dad wielding a crossbow the way she did. â€Å"No,† she says, the smile vanishing. â€Å"My mom. At least†¦ she used to be. Not just vampires, either, but evil entities of all kinds-demons, werewolves, poltergeists, ghosts, warlocks, genies, satyrs, loki, shedus, vetelas, titans, leprechauns-â€Å" â€Å"Leprechauns?† I echo in disbelief. But Mary simply shrugs. â€Å"If it was evil, Mom killed it. She just had a gift for it†¦ A gift,† Mary adds softly, â€Å"I really hope I’ve inherited.† I just sit there for a minute. I have to admit I’m a little stunned by everything that’s gone down over the past couple of hours. Crossbows and vampires and exterminators? And what in the world is a vetela? I’m not even sure I want to know. No. Wait. I know I don’t want to know. There’s a humming noise inside my head that won’t stop. The weird thing is, I kind of like it. â€Å"So,† Mary says, lifting her gaze to meet mine. â€Å"Do you believe me now?† â€Å"I believe you,† I say. What I can’t believe, actually, is that I do. Believe her, I mean. â€Å"Good,† she says. â€Å"It would probably be better if you didn’t tell anybody. Now, if you don’t mind, I need to start getting things ready-â€Å" â€Å"Great. Tell me what you need me to do.† Her face clouds with trouble. â€Å"Adam,† she says. And there’s something about the way her lips form my name that makes me feel a little crazy†¦ like I want to throw my arms around her and race around the room at the same time. â€Å"I appreciate the offer. I really do. But it’s too dangerous. If I kill Drake-â€Å" â€Å"When you kill him,† I correct her. † – chances are, his father is going to show up,† she goes on, â€Å"looking for revenge. Maybe not tonight. And maybe not tomorrow. But soon. And when he does†¦ it isn’t going to be pretty. It’s going to be awful. A nightmare. It’s going to be-â€Å" â€Å"Apocalyptic,† I finish for her, a slight shiver going down my spine as I speak the word. â€Å"Yes. Yes, exactly.† â€Å"Don’t worry,† I say, ignoring the shiver. â€Å"I’m all set for that.† â€Å"Adam.† She shakes her head. â€Å"You don’t understand. I can’t-well, I can’t guarantee I’ll be able to protect you. And I certainly can’t let you risk your life like that. It’s different for me, because-well, because of my mom. But you-â€Å" I stop her. â€Å"Just tell me what time I’m picking you up.† She stares at me. â€Å"What?† â€Å"Sorry,† I say. â€Å"But you’re not going to the prom by yourself. End of story.† And I must have looked really scary or something as I said it, because even though she opens her mouth to argue, she closes it again when she gets a look at my face, and only says, â€Å"Um. Okay.† Still, she has to add, â€Å"It’s your funeral,† just to have the last word. Which is fine with me. She can have the last word. Because I know now that I’ve found her: my future partner in the inevitable struggle to survive in post-apocalyptic America. Mary The music is pounding in time to my heartbeat. I can feel the bass in my chest-badoom, badoom. It’s hard to see across the room of writhing bodies, especially with the flickering light show coming down from the ballroom’s ceiling. But I know he’s here. I can feel him. And then I see him, moving across the dance floor toward me. He’s holding two glasses of bloodred liquid, one in either hand. When he gets close enough, he hands me one of the glasses, then says, â€Å"Don’t worry, it’s not spiked. I checked.† I don’t reply. I just sip the punch, grateful for the liquid-even if it is a little too sweet-because my throat is so dry. The thing is, I know I’m making a mistake. Letting Adam do this, I mean. But†¦ there’s something about him. I don’t know what it is. Something that sets him apart from all the rest of the dumb jocks in school. Maybe it’s the way he saved me back at the club when I lost my nerve, his shooting at Sebastian Drake-progeny of the devil himself-with a ketchup-filled squirt gun. Or maybe it’s the way he was so nice about my dad, not cracking any jokes about him being like Doc from the Back to the Future movies and even calling him sir. Or the way he picked up my mom’s photo like that and seemed so stunned when I told him the truth about her. Or maybe it’s just the way he looked when he showed up at quarter to eight this evening, so impossibly handsome in his tux-and even holding a red rose corsage for me†¦ despite that less than twenty-four hours ago, he hadn’t even known he was going to the prom (good thing tickets were available for sale at the door). Oh well. Dad was ecstatic, for once acting like a normal parent, snapping photos-â€Å"For your mother to see, when she’s better,† he kept saying-and trying to slip twenty-dollar bills into Adam’s hand, telling him to â€Å"treat Mary to an ice cream after the dance.† Which frankly made me decide I like Dad better when he never comes out of the lab. Still. I knew I was making a mistake by not sending Adam packing right away. This is no job for amateurs. This is†¦ this is†¦ †¦ beautiful. I mean, that’s how the ballroom looks. I almost gasped when I entered it on Adam’s arm. (He insisted. So we’d look like a â€Å"normal couple† if Drake was there already and watching.) The Saint Eligius Prep prom committee really outdid themselves this year. Securing the four-story grand ballroom at the Waldorf-Astoria was a feat all on its own, but transforming it into such a sparkling romantic wonderland? Miraculous. I just hope all those rosettes and streamers are fireproof. I’d hate to see them go up in the flames that are bound to appear when Drake’s corpse begins to self-conflagrate after I stab him in the chest. â€Å"So,† Adam says, as we stand on the edge of the dance floor, sipping our punch in a silence that’s-to be frank-quickly gotten a little uncomfortable. â€Å"How’s this going to go down, anyway? I don’t see your crossbow anywhere.† â€Å"I’m just going with a stake,† I say, showing him my leg through the slit up the side of my gown. I’d strapped a hand-carved piece of ash there, using Mom’s old thigh holster. â€Å"Keeping it sweet and simple.† â€Å"Oh,† Adam says, after choking on his punch a little. â€Å"Okay.† I realize he hasn’t looked away from my inner thigh. I hastily lower my skirt. And it occurs to me-for the first time-that Adam might be in this for reasons other than wanting to liberate his best friend’s girlfriend from the spell of a bloodsucking fiend. Except†¦ can such a thing even be possible? I mean, he’s Adam Blum. And I’m just the new girl. He likes me, sure, but he doesn’t like me. He can’t. I’ve probably only got about ten minutes left to live. Unless something radically alters what I’m pretty sure is about to go down. Blushing, I keep my gaze on the gyrating couples in front of us. Mrs. Gregory from U.S. History is one of the chaperones. She’s going around, trying to keep girls from grinding on their dates. She might as well try to keep the moon from rising. â€Å"It’d probably be best if you kept Lila busy,† I say, hoping he doesn’t notice that my cheeks are now as scarlet as my gown, â€Å"while I’m doing the staking. We don’t want her throwing herself in my path just to try to save him.† â€Å"That’s what I dragged Ted here for,† Adam says, nodding toward Teddy Hancock, who’s sitting slumped at a nearby table, looking out at the dance floor in a bored manner. Like the rest of us, he’s just waiting for Lila-and her date-to arrive. â€Å"Still,† I say. â€Å"I don’t want you anywhere near me when†¦ you know.† â€Å"I heard you the first nine million times you told me,† Adam mutters. â€Å"I know you can take care of yourself, Mary. You’ve made that abundantly clear.† I can’t help wincing a little. He’s not having a good time. I can tell. Well, so what? I didn’t ask him to come! He invited himself! This isn’t a date, anyway! It’s a slaying! He knew that from the outset. He’s the one changing the rules, not me. I mean, who am I kidding? I can’t date. I have a legacy to fulfill. I’m the exterminator’s daughter. I have to- â€Å"Want to dance?† Adam startles me by asking. â€Å"Oh,† I say, with some surprise. â€Å"I’d love to. But I really should-â€Å" â€Å"Great,† he says and takes me into his arms, steering me onto the dance floor. How to cite Prom Nights from Hell Chapter Five, Essay examples Prom Nights from Hell Chapter Five Free Essays What do you think you’re doing? she asked herself. Rhetorically, since she was already up the Snow-White-and-the-Seven-Dwarves-Do-Baby-Jesus neighbor’s tree and staring into the yard of the house where she’d left Sibby. I can’t wait to hear you say to the cops, â€Å"Yes, officer, I know I was trespassing but that woman was very suspicious because she was wearing false eyelashes. We will write a custom essay sample on Prom Nights from Hell Chapter Five or any similar topic only for you Order Now † With a full Creepy Cult costume. They just didn’t go. Plus she had a hole for a nose piercing. And a French manicure. Maybe she just has really big pores! And a love of dated manicures! She wasn’t what she was posing as. Is this about helping someone or having an excuse not to show up at prom and see Will with his face nuzzled in Ariel’s huge, soft- Shut up, U-Suck. I was going to say hair. You are so not funny. You are so not brave. There were two guys sitting in the backyard, leaning across a picnic table toward each other with a book between them, both in T-shirts and khakis and Teva sandals, one of them wearing thick black-framed glasses, the other one with a scraggly beard. They looked like two geeky college guys playing Dungeons and Dragons and sounded like it too when the one wearing glasses said, â€Å"That’s not how it works. It says in the Book of Rules she can’t see for herself, only for other people. You know, like genies with wishes, how they can’t grant their own.† Except they each had a large automatic rifle lying on the table next to them and Miranda could see shooting targets set up on the fence. So what? There are armed geeks. Maybe they’re Sibby’s protection. Go home. Sibby doesn’t need you. She’s fine. If she’s fine, why isn’t she out there trying to kiss the two boys? Miranda strained to hear something from inside the house but it was definitely soundproofed. A couple came out of sliding doors onto the patio away from the Geek Guys, a woman smoking a cigarette in short, tense puffs and a man. Miranda almost fell out of the tree when she recognized the woman as the cult lady, only now without the glasses, skirt, or sweater and with her hair down. Which doesn’t mean anything. The woman whispered, â€Å"We still need the girl to tell us the location, Byron.† â€Å"She will.† â€Å"She hasn’t yet.† â€Å"I told you, even if I can’t get her to talk, the Gardener can. He’s good at that.† The woman again: â€Å"I don’t like that he brought a partner. That wasn’t part of the plan. Does she get a cut-â€Å" The man called Byron cut her off. â€Å"Put that out and be quiet, we have company.† He pointed to the Geek Guys scrambling over to join them. The woman crushed her cigarette out under her foot and kicked it away. â€Å"Is She all right?† Bearded Geek asked breathlessly, pronouncing She like it should be capitalized. â€Å"Yes,† the man assured him. â€Å"She’s resting after her ordeal.† Oh, they could not be talking about Sibby. Ordeal? No way. â€Å"Has She said anything?† Glasses Geek asked. The man said, â€Å"Just expressed how very grateful She is to be here.† Miranda almost snorted. Bearded Geek said, â€Å"Will we be able to see Her?† â€Å"When the Transition happens.† The geeks wandered off in a blissful daze and Miranda decided this was the weirdest thing she’d ever seen. But it proved that Sibby was in no danger. These people clearly worshipped Her. Which meant it was time- â€Å"Why is he called the Gardener, anyway?† Fake Eyelash woman asked the man. â€Å"I believe because he’s good at pulling things out.† â€Å"Things?† â€Å"Teeth, nails. Joints. That’s how he gets people to talk.† – time to find Sibby. Miranda dropped out of the tree into the neighbor’s yard and found herself looking down the barrel of an automatic rifle. How to cite Prom Nights from Hell Chapter Five, Essay examples Prom Nights from Hell Chapter Five Free Essays â€Å"Thanks, Sheeb. Back at you.† Jezebel winked once, and then smiled wider until the black of her teeth seemed to envelop her entire face. We will write a custom essay sample on Prom Nights from Hell Chapter Five or any similar topic only for you Order Now She evaporated into the night. Sheba lingered in the dirty alley until the alluring scent of brimstone had faded away entirely, and then break time was over. Invigorated by the idea of joining the front lines, Sheba hurried back to her misery. The prom was in full swing, and everything was falling into place. Celeste was scoring high in her malicious game; she awarded herself a point for every girl who cried in a dark corner of the ballroom. Two points for every boy who threw a punch at a rival. All over the room, the seeds Sheba had planted were flowering. Hate was blooming alongside lust and rage and despair. A garden straight from hell. Sheba enjoyed it all from behind a potted palm. No, she couldn’t force the humans to do anything. They had their innate free will, and so she could only tempt, could only suggest. Little things-high heels and seams and minor muscle groups-she could manipulate physically, but she could never force their minds. They had to choose to listen. And tonight, they were listening. Sheba was on a roll, and she didn’t want any loose ends, so before she turned back to her most ambitious scheme-Cooper was pliant with intoxication now, ready for her direction-she sent her thoughts searching through the crowd for those small, annoying bubbles of happiness. No one was walking away from this prom unscathed. Not while Sheba had a spark in her body. Over there-what was this? Bryan Walker and Clara Hurst were staring dreamily into each other’s eyes, totally oblivious to the wrath and despair and bad music surrounding them, just enjoying each other’s company. Sheba considered her options and decided to have Celeste interfere. Celeste should enjoy that-nothing was more evilly fun than flaunting your power right in the face of a pure romance. Besides, Celeste listened to every suggestion Sheba fed her, entirely agreeable to any demonic scheme. Sheba continued with her evaluation before acting. Not too far away, Sheba found that she’d dropped the ball in an inexcusable fashion. Was that her own date, Logan, actually enjoying himself? Impossible. So, he’d found his Libby after all and they were both unacceptably happy. Well, that would be easy enough to rectify. She’d go reclaim her partner and send Libby running away in tears. Amateur and crude to intervene bodily†¦ Still, better that than let happiness win even one small battle. Sheba’s assessment was almost done. There was just one more tiny pocket of peace-not a couple this time; it was a lone boy wandering into the far end of the room from the hall. That annoying Gabe Christensen. Sheba scowled in his direction. What did he have to be happy about? He was rejected and alone. His date was the scourge of the prom. A normal boy would be full of rage or pain right now. But he insisted on making more work for her! Sheba inspected Gabe’s mind more closely. Hmm. Gabe wasn’t really happy. In fact, he was worrying intensely at the moment, searching for someone. Celeste was quite clearly in his view, writhing to a slow song with Rob Carlton (Pamela Green watched the display with shocked eyes, despair leaking deliciously into the air around her), but she wasn’t the source of Gabe’s worry. There was someone else he wanted to find. So he wasn’t happy-that wasn’t the sensation that had trespassed on Sheba’s atmosphere of misery. It was goodness itself that was exuding from this boy. Even worse. Sheba ducked behind the palm and pushed out with her thoughts. Smoke oozed from her nose. â€Å"Gabe.† Gabe shook his head absently and continued with his search. He’d waited half an hour as throngs of girls left the bathroom, drove after drove. Here and there Gabe had felt a weak pull, but nothing at all like that one girl’s raging, suffocating need. When three separate groups had all come and gone, Gabe had stopped Jill Stein to ask after the girl. â€Å"Black hair and a red dress? No, I didn’t see anyone like that in there. I think the bathroom is empty.† The girl must have slipped past him somehow. Gabe had just returned to the dance floor, brooding over the mystery girl. At least Bryan and Clara and Logan and Libby were having fun. That was good. The rest of the class seemed to be having an exceptionally nasty evening. And then, there it was again. Gabe’s head jerked up, feeling the desperation he’d been searching for. Where was she? Sheba hissed in frustration. The boy’s mind was entirely sober and singularly closed to her insidious voice. Well, that wasn’t going to stop her. She had other tools. â€Å"Celeste.† It was time the evil girl tormented her own date. Sheba leaned lightly on Celeste, suggesting that avenue. After all, Gabe was attractive by human standards. Certainly good enough for Celeste, whose standards were hardly rigorous. Gabe was tall and subtly muscular, with dark hair and symmetrical features. He had pale blue eyes that Sheba personally found a bit repulsive-they were so decidedly un-damned, almost heavenly, ugh! – but that appealed to mortal girls. It was looking into those clear eyes that had made Celeste say yes to this squeaky clean do-gooder’s invitation. Do-gooder, indeed. Sheba’s eyes narrowed. Gabe had already been on her list before he insisted on disregarding her here at the prom. This was the very boy who had ruined her plans for the lecherous math teacher-just a little bit of pre-prom fun Sheba had arranged in between making sure that everyone asked exactly the wrong person to the big dance. If Gabe hadn’t confronted Mr. Reese at a critical moment of temptation†¦ Sheba gritted her teeth and sparks flickered out of her ears. She would have ruined the man and the impossibly innocent girl, too. Not that Mr. Reese had had far to fall, but it would have been a fantastic scandal. And now the math teacher was being especially careful, made wary by those same sky-blue eyes. Feeling guilty, even. Considering counseling for his problem. Ugh! Gabe Christensen owed Sheba some misery. She would get her due. Sheba glared at Celeste, wondering why the girl had made no move toward her date. Celeste was still wrapped around Rob, enjoying Pamela’s pain. Enough fun! There was havoc to be wreaked. Sheba whispered suggestions in Celeste’s mind, nudging her in Gabe’s direction. Celeste shrugged away from Rob and glanced toward Gabe, who was still combing through the crowd with his gaze. Her brown eyes settled on his blue for just a second, and then she moved, cringed actually, back into Rob’s arms. Odd. Gabe’s light eyes seemed to be almost as repellent to the vicious blonde as they were to Sheba. Sheba leaned again, but Celeste-for once-shook her off, trying to distract herself from thoughts of Gabe with Rob’s eager lips. Baffled, Sheba cast around for another avenue to destroy the irritating boy, but she was interrupted by something much more important than one good human. Cooper Silverdale was simply quivering with rage on one side of the dance floor, glowering at Melissa and Tyson. Melissa had her head on Tyson’s shoulder and was oblivious to the smug grin Tyson aimed in Cooper’s direction. It was time to act. Cooper was considering another glass of punch to drown his pain, and he was much too close to passing out for Sheba to allow that. She focused on him, smoke at her ears, and Cooper realized dully that the green punch was revolting. He couldn’t stand any more. He threw his half-empty cup to the floor and turned back to glare at Tyson. She thinks I’m pathetic, said the voice in Cooper’s head. No, she doesn’t even think of me at all. But I can make it so shell never be able to forget me†¦ His head thick with alcohol, Cooper reached back and stroked his hand along the barrel of the gun under his jacket. Sheba held her breath. Sparks flew from her ears. And then, in that vital second, Sheba was distracted by the knowledge that someone was staring intensely at her own face. Here, in the ballroom, that same sucking need, pulling at him-someone drowning, shrieking for help. It had to be the same girl. Gabe had never felt anything so urgent in his life. His eyes raked desperately over the couples on the floor, but he couldn’t see her. He paced the edge of the floor, searching the faces of the people on the sidelines. She wasn’t there, either. He saw Celeste with yet another boy, but his eyes didn’t pause. If Celeste didn’t claim her ride home soon, there wasn’t much he could do about it. Someone else needed Gabe more. The need tugged at him again, yanked hard, and for a moment, Gabe wondered if he was going crazy. Maybe he’d only imagined the girl in the fiery dress. Maybe this sense of frenzied need was just the onset of some delusion. At that moment, Gabe’s seeking eyes found what they were searching for. Stepping around Heath McKenzie’s big sulking form, Gabe’s eyes locked on a tiny, but brilliant, red flash. There she was-half-hidden behind a fake tree, her earrings glinting like sparklers again-the girl in the red dress. Her dark eyes, deep as the pool he’d imagined her drowning in, met his. The vibrant need was an aura surrounding her. He didn’t have to think about moving toward her. There was probably no way he could have stopped himself if he’d wanted to. He was sure he’d never seen this girl before tonight; she was completely unfamiliar. Her dark, almond-shaped eyes were composed and careful, but at the same time they cried out to him. They were the focus of the need he felt. He could no more resist their plea than he could tell his heart to stop beating. She needed him. Sheba watched with disbelief as Gabe Christensen walked straight toward her. She saw her own face in his head and realized that the person Gabe had been looking for was†¦ Sheba. She allowed the brief distraction-knowing that Cooper was hers for the taking, that a few minutes’ time wouldn’t save him now-and rejoiced in the delicious irony. So Gabe wanted to be ruined by Sheba personally? Well, she would oblige him. It would make his misery even sweeter knowing that he’d chosen it himself. She straightened up in her hell-hound dress, letting it caress her figure suggestively. She knew what any human male would have to feel when he examined this dress. But the exasperating boy was focused on her eyes. It was dangerous to look straight into the eyes of a demoness. Humans who didn’t look away fast enough could get trapped there. And then they were stuck, pining after the demoness forever, burning for her†¦ Biting back a smile, Sheba met his gaze, staring deep into his sky-colored eyes. Silly human. Gabe stopped a few short feet from the girl, close enough that he wouldn’t have to shout over the loud music. He knew he was staring too intently-she would think he was rude, or some kind of freak. But she stared back, just as intent, her deep eyes probing his. He opened his mouth to introduce himself, when suddenly the girl’s careful expression melted into one of shock. Shock? Or horror? Her pale lips fell apart, and he heard a little gasp escape them. Her stiff posture crumpled, and she began to collapse. Gabe jumped toward her and caught her in his arms before she could fall. Sheba’s knees buckled when her fires went out. Her internal flame died, sucked dry, snuffed like a candle in a vacuum. The room was not so cold anymore, and she could smell nothing more than sweat, cologne, and stale, conditioned air. She could no longer taste the delicious misery she’d created. She couldn’t taste anything but her own dry mouth. But she could feel the strong arms of Gabe Christensen holding her up. The girl’s dress was soft and warm. Maybe that was the problem, Gabe thought as he pulled her toward him. Maybe the heat of the crowded room was too much combined with her heavy dress. Anxiously, Gabe brushed the silky hair away from her face. Her forehead seemed cool enough and her soft skin wasn’t clammy with sweat. All the while, her stunned eyes never wavered from his. â€Å"Are you okay? Can you stand? I’m sorry, I don’t know your name.† â€Å"I’m fine,† the girl said in a low, purring voice. Despite the purr, her voice was just as stunned as her eyes. â€Å"I†¦ I can stand.† She straightened up, but Gabe didn’t let her go. He didn’t want to. And she wasn’t pulling away. Her small hands had crept up to rest on his shoulders, like they were dancing partners. â€Å"Who are you?† she asked in that throaty voice. â€Å"Gabe-Gabriel Michael Christensen,† he elaborated with a grin. â€Å"And you are?† How to cite Prom Nights from Hell Chapter Five, Essay examples Prom Nights from Hell Chapter Five Free Essays â€Å"Will died, Frankie,† she said. â€Å"The fall, the way he landed†¦ he didn’t make it.† â€Å"I’m sorry†¦ what?† â€Å"Chen is on his way to get you. We will write a custom essay sample on Prom Nights from Hell Chapter Five or any similar topic only for you Order Now You’ll stay with us, yes? As long as you want.† â€Å"No,† I said. â€Å"I mean†¦ I don’t†¦Ã¢â‚¬  The box of waffles fell from my hand. â€Å"Will didn’t die. Will couldn’t have died?† â€Å"Frankie,† she said, her voice infinitely sad. â€Å"Please don’t say that,† I said. â€Å"Please don’t sound so†¦Ã¢â‚¬  I didn’t understand how to make my mind work. â€Å"I know you loved him. We all did.† â€Å"Just wait† I said. â€Å"Spray painting? Will doesn’t spray paint. That’s something a pothead would do, not Will.† â€Å"Let’s get you to the house. We’ll talk about it then.† â€Å"But what was he spray painting? I don’t understand!† Mrs. Yomiko didn’t answer. â€Å"Let me speak to Yun Sun,† I pleaded. â€Å"Please! Put on Yun Sun!† There was a muffled exchange. Yun Sun came back on. â€Å"I’ll tell you,† she said. â€Å"But you don’t want to know.† A cold feeling spread over me, and suddenly, I didn’t want to know. â€Å"He was spray painting a message. That’s what he was up there doing.† She hesitated. â€Å"It said, ‘Frankie, will you go to prom with me? â€Å" I sank to the floor, next to a box of waffles. Why was there a box of waffles on the kitchen floor? â€Å"Frankie?† Yun Sun said. Tinny, faraway sound. â€Å"Frankie, are you there?† I didn’t like that tinny sound. I pressed the Off button to make it go away. Will was buried in the Chapel Hill Cemetery. I sat, numb, through the funeral, which was closed-coffin because Will’s body was too mangled to be viewed. I wanted to say good-bye, but how did you say good-bye to a box? At the grave site, I watched as Will’s mother threw a handful of dirt into the hole where Will lay. It was horrible, but the horror felt distant and unreal. Yun Sun squeezed my hand. I didn’t squeeze back. It rained that evening, a gentle spring shower. I imagined the ground, damp and cool around Will’s coffin. I thought of Fernando, whose skull Madame Zanzibar had liberated after his coffin shifted in the wet earth. I reminded myself that the east side of the cemetery, where Will was buried, was newer, with tidy landscaping. And of course there were modern ways of digging graves now, more efficient than men with shovels. Will’s coffin wouldn’t come undug. It was impossible. I stayed with Yun Sun for nearly two weeks. My parents were called, and they offered to return from Botswana. I told them no. What good would it do? Their presence wouldn’t bring Will back. At school, for the first few days, kids talked in hushed tones and stared at me as I passed. Some thought it was romantic, what Will did. Others thought it was stupid. â€Å"A tragedy† was the phrase most often used, spoken in mournful tones. As for me, I haunted the halls like the living dead. I would have ditched, but then I’d have been corralled by the counselor and forced to talk about my feelings. Which wasn’t going to happen. My grief was my own, a skeleton that would rattle forever within me. One week after Will’s death, and exactly one week before prom, kids started talking less about Will and more about dresses and dinner reservations and limos. A sallow girl from Will’s chemistry class got upset and said prom should be canceled, but others argued no, prom must go on. It’s what Will would have wanted. Yun Sun and I were consulted, since we were his best friends. (And since I, though they didn’t say it, was the girl he died for.) Yun Sun’s eyes welled with tears, but after a shaky moment, she said it would be wrong to ruin everyone’s plans, that sitting home and mourning wouldn’t do anyone any good. â€Å"Life goes on,† she said. Her boyfriend, Jeremy, nodded. He put his arm around her and drew her close. Lucy, president of the prom committee, placed her hand over her heart. â€Å"So true,† she said. She turned to me with an overly solicitous expression. â€Å"What about you, Frankie? Do you think you could get behind it?† I shrugged. â€Å"Whatever.† She embraced me, and I staggered. â€Å"Okay, guys, we’re on!† she called, bounding across the commons. â€Å"Trixie, back to work on the cherry blossoms. Jocelyn, tell the Paper Affair lady we need a hundred blue streamers and don’t take no for an answer!† On the afternoon of the dance, two hours before Jeremy was due to pick up Yun Sun, I crammed my stuff in my duffel bag and told her I was going home. â€Å"What?† she said. â€Å"No!† She put down a hot roller. Her makeup lay in front of her on her vanity, her Babycakes body glitter and Dewberry lip gloss, and her dress hung over the hook of her open bathroom door. It was lilac, with a sweetheart neckline. It was gorgeous. â€Å"It’s time,† I said. â€Å"Thank you for letting me stay so long†¦ but it’s time.† Her mouth turned down. She wanted to argue, but she knew it was true. I wasn’t happy here. That in itself wasn’t the issue-I wasn’t going to be happy anywhere-but moping around the Komikos’ house was making me feel trapped and making Yun Sun feel helpless and guilty. â€Å"But it’s prom,† Yun Sun said. â€Å"Won’t that be weird, being alone in your house on the night of prom?† She came over to me. â€Å"Stay till tomorrow. I’ll be quiet when I come in, I swear. And I promise not to go on and on about†¦ you know. The after-parties and who hooked up and who passed out in the girls’ bathroom.† â€Å"You should get to go on about that stuff, though,† I said. â€Å"You should stay out as late as you want and come in as loudly as you want and be giddy and spazzy and all that.† Unexpectedly, my eyes filled with tears. â€Å"You should, Yun Sun.† She touched my arm. I pulled away, but in what I hoped was an unobvious manner. â€Å"So should you, Frankie,† she said. â€Å"Yeah†¦ well.† I heaved my bag over my shoulder. â€Å"Call me any time,† she said. â€Å"I’ll keep my cell on, even at the dance.† â€Å"Okay.† â€Å"And if you change your mind, if you decide you want to stay-â€Å" â€Å"Thanks.† â€Å"Or even if you decide to come to prom! We all want you there-you know that, right? It doesn’t matter that you don’t have a date.† I winced. She didn’t mean it the way it sounded, but it most certainly did matter that I didn’t have a date, because that date would have been Will. And I didn’t have him not because he liked another girl or was suffering from a terrible case of the flu, but because he was dead. Because of me. â€Å"Oh God,† Yun Sun said. â€Å"Frankie†¦Ã¢â‚¬  I waved her off. I didn’t want any more touching. â€Å"It’s all right.† We stood in a bubble of awkwardness. â€Å"I miss him, too, you know,† she said. I nodded. Then I left. I returned to my empty house to find that the electricity was out. Perfect. This happened more often than it should have: Afternoon thunderstorms threw tree branches into the transformers, and entire neighborhoods lost power for several hours. Or the power would go out for no reason. Maybe too many people had their air conditioners on and the circuits overloaded, that was my theory. Will’s theory was ghosts, ha ha ha. â€Å"They’ve come to spoil your milk,† he’d say in a spooky voice. Will. My throat tightened. I tried not to think about him, but it was impossible, so I let him exist there with me in my mind. I fixed myself a peanut butter sandwich, which I didn’t eat. I went upstairs and lay on my bed without turning down the covers. Shadows deepened. An owl hooted. I stared at my ceiling until I could no longer make out the spider-web cracks. In the dark, my thoughts went places they shouldn’t. Fernando. Madame Zanzibar. You’re just like all the rest, aren’t you? Desperate for a heart-stopping romance? It was that very desperation that gave birth to my stupid Madame Zanzibar plan and even stupider wish. That’s what prodded Will into action. If only I’d never taken the damn corsage! I bolted upright. Oh my God-the damn corsage! I grabbed my cell and held down the â€Å"three,† Yun Sun’s speed dial. ?One? was for Mom and Dad; ?two? was for Will. I still hadn’t deleted his name, and now I wouldn’t have to. â€Å"Yun Sun!† I cried when she answered. â€Å"Frankie?† she said. â€Å"S.O.S.† by Rihanna blared in the background. â€Å"Are you okay?† â€Å"I’m fine,† I said. â€Å"Better than fine! I mean, the power’s out, it’s pitch-black, and I’m all alone, but whatever. I won’t be for long.† I giggled and fumbled my way into the hall. â€Å"Huh?† Yun Sun said. More noise. People laughing. â€Å"Frankie, I can hardly hear you.† â€Å"The corsage. I’ve got two wishes left!† I jogged downstairs, zinging with glee. â€Å"Frankie, what are you-â€Å" â€Å"I can bring him back, don’t you get it? Everything will be good again. We can even go to prom!† How to cite Prom Nights from Hell Chapter Five, Essay examples

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Effect of HMG- Coa Lyase Deficiency-Free-Samples for Students

Question: You will research your selected Disease using Primary Literature, and Construct a written report that Describes the Diseases Biochemical basis Compared to a Healthy Individual's Biochemistry, Methods of screening, and both Current and Future treatment Options. Answer: HMG- CoA lyase deficiency also known as 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA lyase deficiency is a disorder that is inherited and is not common1. This disease was first explained by Faull in the year 1976 and it is reported that every 1 individual in 1, 00,000 is suffered by this disease12. HMG- CoA lyase ( HL) is an enzyme that is present in the mitochondria and catalyzes the reaction in which HMG-CoA breaks down into acetyl CoA and acetocetate4. This is the finalstep of the ketogenesis process and catabolism of leucine.This disease involves a lack of processing an amino acid called as leucine in the mitochondria which helps in the formation of proteins14. In this disorder the body is also not able to make ketones in the liver which play an important role in providing energy by being used up in the body during fasting that is lack of food3. This disease is screened during the birth of the child. It leads to various symptoms such as lethargy, vomiting, low sugar in the blood also known as hypoglycemia, metabolic acidosis in which the toxic compounds combine together and increase the acidity of blood, infection and coma1. This paper demonstrates the comparison of biochemical aspects of the patients suffering from HMG- CoA deficiency with the biochemical aspects of a healthy individual. It also demonstrates the methods of screening the disease and the current and the future treatment options. According to the researchers, around 60-70% of the new born patients suffer from the deficiency of HMG CoA Lyase enzyme and around 30 % of the neonatal babies suffer during the period between 2nd and 5th day from the day they are born16. The patients also suffer from symptoms similar to Reye syndrome such as encelopathy, hepatomegaly and hyperammonemia. A deficiency in the HMGCL gene leads to HMG-CoA lyase deficiency5. HMGCL gene plays an important role in the formation of an enzyme 3-hydroxymethyl-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A lyase (HMG-CoA lyase) and also helps in the processing of leucine and breaking proteins and fats to provide energy to the body18. A decrease in the activity of HMG-CoA lyase occurs due to the mutation in the HMGCLgene and hence it becomes difficult for the body to process leucine and form ketones in a proper manner19. Due to the inability of processing of leucine, it results in the accumulation of different byproducts that are chemical in nature and can lead to metabolic acidosis. A lack of ketones leads to a low level of glucose in the blood of the patient which leads to a damage in the cell and the tissues specifically in the central nervous system7. A healthy individual has a HMG- CoA lyase enzyme that is encoded by the HMGCL gene that is present on chromosome number one19. The pancreas and the liver of the healthy individuals have the highest activity of HMG- CoA lyase enzyme. The pancreas has a high capacity of ketogenic activity and moderate activity in skeletal muscle and the testis. It helps in providing energy to the individuals and prevents hypoglycemia and metabolic acidosis. It also prevents the accumulation of toxic substances in the blood21. In a normal healthy individual, ketones act as a minor substrate to provide energy to the myocardium. During starvation, intake of diet rich in fats and the proteins, ketones get utilized in a proper manner. But during the deficiency of HMG- CoA lyase enzyme, the substrates that provide energy that is ketones get reduced leading to the dysfunction of myocardium. Beta oxidation of fatty acids produce ketones and 60-90% of the energy is provided to myocardium and the energy that is remaining is provided by glucose6. The utilization of mitochondrial enzyme regulates the uptake of fatty acids and prevents the accumulation at intracellular level. But the deficiency of HMG- CoA lyase enzyme impairs this regulatory process and leads to cytotoxicity of myochondria and dysfunctioning which leads to the accumulation of fatty acids at intracellular level22. In a normal healthy individual, carnitine plays an important role in the normal functioning of the myocardium. Fatty acids get transported from the mitochondria into the cytosol for beta- oxidation by a process known as carnitin palmitoyltransferase shuttle system24. Carnitine also has various other function such that it helps in scavenging the free radicals, helps in the metabolism of amino acids that are branched-chain, acts as a cofactor in the oxidation of fatty acids that are long-chain and also the process of nuclear transcription23.But during the deficiency of HMG- CoA lyase enzyme, there is an occurrence of the deficiency of secondary carnitine due to the esterification of free carnitine to 3-methylglutarylcarnitine5.It has been reported that Levo-carnitineplays an important role in the dilatation process of left ventricle and the increase the rate of survival in patients suffering from dilated cardiomyopathy2. Screening of the newborn babies is crucial to test whether he or she is suffering from any disease as they can be deadly and lead to the death of the baby if left untreated. Some newborns also suffer from the diseases they dont have any family history. Screening of the deficiency of HMG- CoA enzyme in the deficiency of newborn babies is done by using a technique known as tandem mass spectrometry27.If the results show an increase in the level of C5-OH (3-hydroxyisovaleryl carnitine) it is possible that the newborn is suffering from the deficiency of HMG- CoA lyase enzyme28.If the results appear to be positive doctor should immediately check the clinical condition of the newborn and consult with a doctor specialized in this field. A urine organic analysis or plasma acylcarnitine analysis on the newborn baby is performed to confirm the deficiency of HMG- CoA enzyme26. Supportive care should be provided to such patients which is specialized care to get relieved from pain and stress, both physical and mental30. It involves various doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals to work in collaboration to help the patient in managing the disease and the treatment by the patients .The parents and other family members should be given a proper counseling and psychosocial care to the patients in order to improve emotional health and get rid of pain, anxiety, distress and low self esteem developed due to the disease8.Various other tests such as genetic testing that is the testing of DNA is also performed to check for the genes that cause the disease29. In Ontario, a heel- prick is used to collect the blood sample from the newborn babies and check for the deficiency of HMG- CoA lyase enzyme and various other diseases21. Testing of DNA is also performed in women who are pregnant to check for the presence of disease in the fetus by using Chorionic Villus Sampling which is a specialized test30. It is mainly done during the 10th and the 12th week of pregnancy. A process called as amniocentesis is also performed to check for the deficiency of HMG- CoA lyase enzyme23. It involves collection of fluid using a needle from the sac present around the fetus. This test is performed during the 13th and 20 th week of pregnancy11. Sometimes testing of the urine sample of the baby is also performed to check the level of acid and other toxic substances10. However, countries having a greater number of the disease, the newborn babies are also screened for various mutations such as such as c.122GA, c.109GT and c.504_505delCT in Spain, Saudi Arabia and P ortugal4 The parents of the newborn patients should be counseled and provided psychosocial care to prevent depression and anxiety if their newborn baby suffers from the deficiency of HMG- CoA lyase enzyme. The treatment method for the deficiency of HMG- CoA lyase enzyme lasts for a life time if detected29. It is a difficult procedure to cure the disease in a complete manner. However, if the treatment is provided early and in a careful manner it can lead to normal growth and development of the newborn and cure the disease to a great extent but there is no permanent cure of the disease14. If there are no serious complications during the diagnosis of the disease, it takes less time to get better in the newborns and when they become adults, they are diagnosed with the absence of symptoms related to the disease. It requires proper guidance, management and monitoring of the disease for the well being of the newborn baby by the nurses, clinicians, dieticians, geneticists and other health care professionals30. There are various treatment methods for the deficiency of HMG-CoA lyase such as nutritional therapy in which the patients are advised a diet having low leucine and high content of carbohydrates, calories and protein to achieve metabolic balance and develop proper growth and development23. These patients are also advised the supplementation of L-Carnitine to remove the toxic substances from the body from the urine by the excretion process18. However, L-Carnitine plays an important role in the prevention of development of diseases related to the muscles of the heart27. In the acute phase of the disease which depends on the symptoms of the patient, glucose is administered by intravenous means to control low sugar level in the blood and bicarbonate to prevent acidosis13. Maintenance therapy is also advised to new born patients to remove the toxic substances in the body by providing a balanced diet containing specific fat and proteins. It is recommended to prevent fasting during an acute phase of the disease and the main aim of nutritional therapy is to avoid excess catabolic activity, low blood sugar levels and metabolic acidosis18. Monitoring of the amino acids present in plasma and growth of the infant is essential at regular intervals to make sure that the intake of leucine and proteins is adequate12. The deficiency of leucine leads to low weight gain, irritation, loss of hair, loss of appetite and skin rashes10. If the intake of leucine is in excess it may accumulate organic acids to in the body leading to metabolic acidosis9. For younger children, a formula of routine infant is used to provide an adequate amount of leucine by giving milk which contains a natural protein10. The plasma samples should be taken after the meal is taken by the patients.The patient might suffer from the disease complications despite of adequate nutritional therapy if the newborn baby suffers from any kind of infection such as viral infection, ear infection or gastroenteritis2. It becomes essential to maintain the homeostasis at biochemical level. There has been research going on various novel methods of treatment for this disease such as studying various components in urine by using NMR- spectroscopy technique and MRI of brain2. It can be concluded that HMG- CoA lyase deficiency is a rare inherited autosomal disorder1. It involves the lack of processing an amino acid called as leucine present in the mitochondria which helps in the formation of proteins. In this disorder the body is also not able to make ketones in the liver which play an important role in providing energy by being used up in the body during fasting that is lack of food. This disease is screened during the birth of the child. During the deficiency of HMG- CoA lyase enzyme, the substrates that provide energy that is ketones get reduced leading to the dysfunction. Screening of the deficiency of HMG- CoA enzyme in the deficiency of newborn babies is done by using a technique known as tandem mass spectrometry.If the results show an increase in the level of C5-OH (3-hydroxyisovaleryl carnitine) it is possible that the newborn is suffering from the deficiency of HMG- CoA lyase enzyme. The treatment method for the deficiency of HMG- CoA lyase enzyme lasts for a life time if detected. Newborn babies suffering from deficiency of HMG- CoA enzyme require nutritional therapy and supportive care that is specialized care provided by the nurses, clinicians and other healthcare professionals. Various novel methods of treatment for this disease have been researched such as studying various components in urine by using spectroscopy technique and MRI of brain to check the abnormal peaks and diagnose the disease. References Wst, R. C., Visser, G., Wanders, R. J., Houtkooper, R. H,Ketones and inborn errors of metabolism: old friends revisited.2017; 1-2. 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